Conference Email Reports

You can receive post-conference email reports after every conference call. The report lists the time and duration of the conference call, along with a list of participants and the time each participant was in the conference. If the conference call was recorded, the email report also includes a link to download the recording.

To automatically receive email reports after each conference, select the Settings tab in the Host Control Panel. Enter your email address into the box labeled Notification List, and click the Save button at the bottom. You can send the reports to multiple email addresses – separate each email address with a comma when you type them into the Notification List box.

If you wish to receive an email report for a particular conference call, select the History & Recordings tab, and click on the spyglass icon to view the details for a particular conference. On the details page, click on the Email button displayed in the upper right corner. You will then be asked to specify your email address.

A sample of the email report is shown below.

Conference Report