Connect Using WebCall
When dialing in by phone isn't an option, callers can use WebCall to participate in your conference calls. WebCall extends your reach beyond the USA, to practically anybody with a high-speed Internet connection with an updated web browser.
Extending Your Reach
For your attendees outside the USA, or those looking to avoid long distance charges, WebCall may be the answer.
Just direct your callers to click on the Join Conference via WebCall button at
WebCall works with technology already built into your web browser on newer computers and smartphones, and no software downloads are required.
Join Conference via WebCall
Technical Requirements
- High-speed connection to the Internet. Note that the use of voice-over-internet technology in prohibited in some countries, so WebCall won't work everywhere.
- Headset or earbuds with a microphone. Using built-in laptop microphones and speakers may introduce disruptive noise and echo into the conference call.
- WebCall uses technology built into advanced web browsers, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge. It does not work with older tablets and computers, or outdated browser (including Internet Explorer).
- You must use the Safari browser on Apple iOS devices (iPhone, iPad). Older iOS device (pre-2017) do not support the WebRTC technology required for WebCall.

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